Contact Lenses for Keratoconus
What is Keratoconus?
With advances in ocular technology, there are multiple options available for patients with hard-to-fit eyes, including those needing contact lenses for keratoconus.
Keratoconus is a condition where the normally dome-like cornea becomes thin and develops a bulge. The word keratoconus actually means cone-shaped cornea. Contact lenses for visual problems associated with keratoconus correct the abnormality of the cornea surface and create a flat surface for the ocular system. Ocular rigid contact lenses are appropriate for those with keratoconus. These types of lenses are comprised of suitable ingredients and are fit over the middle of the eye. However, some individuals experience discomfort with corneal rigid gas permeable contact lenses.
Many folks with keratoconus opt for scleral contact lenses. These lenses are another option for those with keratoconus. These lenses have a thicker central visual zone with periphery that provides great comfort. It provides good correction for those with moderate to severe keratoconus. The main advantages of soft contact lenses are its exceptional eye comfort and firm stability.
Piggyback lens systems are a blend of rigid lenses and soft lenses. Both a soft lens and rigid lens are used in piggyback systems. With these types of contact lenses, those with keratoconus in Plano get both vision correction and heightened comfort. A modification of the piggyback lens system is the RPLS system. It’s a good option when the piggyback design doesn’t permit the lens to be centered properly.
Hybrid contact lenses can also address keratoconus. It’s a combination of a rigid gas permeable lens and soft lens. The rigid lens provides vision correction, and the soft lens delivers improved comfort. Plus, hybrid contact lenses are available in specialty designs. Scleral lenses are an additional alternative for the eye disease of keratoconus. These types of contact lenses feature a large lens.
Get Specialty Contact Lenses in Plano!
It’s the responsibility of the contact lens specialist to determine which design of contact lens is most appropriate for the individual patient with keratoconus. At Plano Eye Care Center, we check for distorted vision, increased sensitivity to light and double vision for signs of keratoconus. We also perform a slit-lamp examination to diagnose keratoconus. We offer a wide variety of contact lenses for patient with keratoconus in Plano. Our experienced optometrists will do a thorough assessment during an eye exam and help you choose the best contact lens for corrective vision and comfort if you have keratoconus.
For the most part, keratoconus can be corrected effectively over a lifetime using rigid gas-permeable contact lens along with regular eye and vision check-ups. If you’ve been experiencing blurry vision or an increased sensitivity to light, head on over to The Plano Eyecare Center.
For more information about keratoconus, give us a call today at 972-964-3937!